Mobile Learning: We Come to You!
We create a healthy community within your community. Our highly committed and educated Registered Nurse Coaches have a passion for sharing health education & LOVE coming to your work, church, community group or event to bring it!
People feel more connected when they share time & space in groups, & today, social isolation is a problem we need to overcome!
Our professional Registered Nurse Coaches come to you, to share up-to-date health & wellness topics to inspire your team to live better.
Sample Topics:
Eating for Health & Energy: Easy ways to use food as a source of vitality & health.
Meditation 101: What is meditation? What is the science behind it & why is it good for me? How do I do it in a simple way?
Decrease Your Environmental Toxic Burden: How to reduce toxic exposure in your home. Simple ways to do it!
Create Your Own Self-Care Toolbox: In our busy world, it's easy to forget to care for ourselves. Making your own Self-Care Toolbox brings you to a very personal space, & opening it can shift a stressed or irritated moment, to a calm, & patient one.
Discover the Power & Freedom of Mindful Eating. Mindfulness promotes balance, wisdom & acceptance of each moment, while eating, without self-judgement.
Sleep Better: Uncover the things that are causing you to have restless nights so you can rest easy & live better!
Click 'Contact Us' to set up a consultation call so we can discover your needs & collaborate.