Is an Elimination Diet for You?
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Is an Elimination Diet for You?
You or someone you love have heard the term Elimination Diet, but aren’t sure if it’s for you.
Nourish with Real Food is one of 7 lifestyle strategies that protects your health and vitality and is one step of our BUILD Your Health System.
After coaching hundreds of people through the Elimination Diet process, I’ve compiled a list of common themes to describe why my awesome clients decided to change their life by learning how food really affects them!
I bet some of these thoughts, questions and comments have crossed your mind too. Read on to learn more. And when you are ready to take action, join the next online RENEW! Group Elimination Food Plan!
An Elimination Diet is for you if…
You want to know if you have a food sensitivity.
You want to know if you have a food sensitivity. And you’d rather not have a blood test. There are some blood tests that claim to diagnose food sensitivities, however, the evidence to support this testing can be unreliable.
An Elimination Diet is the gold standard for the diagnosis of food sensitivities, food intolerances and food allergies. Plus, no needle sticks!
You are tired of feeling like crap.
You are tired of feeling like crap. You feel… tired, anxious, and your belly is bloated. You have headaches, can’t sleep, have acne or other skin conditions, or take antacids for heart burn. You feel fat, clear your throat after drinking milk or eating ice cream, and have excess gas (either burps or farts). You struggle figuring out what to eat and you place yourself at the end of everyone’s list.
You are tired of all of it.
It’s time to take action>>…click here to learn more about the RENEW! Elimination Food Plan.
You’ve started to make connections to food and feeling.
You’ve started to make connections to food and feeling, but can’t seem to pinpoint exactly what is happening. An Elimination Diet gives you a chance to focus on your symptoms, helping you link them to foods. You’ve come this far, why not jump in 100%?
Hangry is a common occurrence around your house. You may have said this in fun, but likely your family doesn’t see you as fun. Mood swings are not normal, and certain foods can trigger feelings of anger, irritation, annoyance and displeasure. It’s time to determine which foods are making you ‘need a Snickers bar’.
You’re tired of being SAD.
The Standard American Diet is SAD and you are tired of it! So many of the foods you are faced with daily are the cause of your feelings of zapped energy, anxiety, belly bloating, heartburn, flatulence, and headaches. It’s time to learn a new way of seeing your food, so instead of SAD you get MAD (Make a Difference in you!).
You’ve said, “I’m just getting old”.
If you’ve said, "I'm just getting old, that's why I feel this way", then it’s time to re-frame old ways of thinking and to establish new habits and behaviors that support your vitality and zest for life!
The EFP will help you see that certain foods are the cause of you feeling old, because inflammation, cell damage, and a leaky gut, among other things are aging your strong body faster than necessary!
Your Healthcare Provider said, “you need to fix your diet”.
Your healthcare provider said, “You need to fix your diet”, but they didn’t have time to tell you how to do it. Our healthcare system is not set up to spend personalized time with you to educate and coach you to use your health as a super-power.
Sometimes you need to take your own action and fix your diet yourself. Why not fix your diet alongside others who are doing it too?
You are sick of wasting money and time on stuff that doesn’t work.
You are sick of wasting money and time on stuff that doesn’t work. It sucks buying fad supplements and products that promise you a big change, only to find out they don’t do anything, or worse, they cause other problems in your health and life.
The EFP does not require you to spend money on supplements or products, instead, you will spend your hard earned cash on food that you and your family will eat and enjoy, all while giving your body time to heal, renew and re-energize. Now that is a wise investment!
You are ready to take action.
You are ready to take action to discover which food is the culprit of your health issue. Perhaps your doctor has said, “you need to fix your diet”, but they didn’t tell you how to do it. An Elimination Diet helps you know if food is a cause of your health issue, because you will learn to listen to your body, mind and spirit and uncover the hidden truths you’ve been missing.
You want to own your health!
You want to own your health and be your own authority, and you are ready to take action to improve it, slow down an illness or condition, or just understand your own body, mind and spirit better. It’s as simple as that.
You’ve heard the words, “Your blood sugars are borderline”.
If you’ve heard the words, “your blood sugars are borderline”, it’s time to take action NOW, so they don’t rise any higher! Learning actionable things you can do in your unique life will have you feeling powerful to make the choices that are best for you. Food is one of the actionable things you can do- and when you understand how food affects you and your health- you create powerful and purposeful choices that are best for you.
You want a Knowledgeable coach to guide you.
You want a knowledgeable coach to guide you through the process, and you want to work with a board certified Nurse Coach (health & wellness coach) who is fun, professional and is trained to help you be your best. You want to work with a coach who cares about you, who will lead you to a place you couldn’t get to on your own, and motivate you to succeed.
An Elimination Diet is for you If…
You want to know if you have a food sensitivity.
You are tired of feeling like crap.
You’ve started to make connections to food and feeling.
‘Hangry’ is a common occurrence.
You’re tired of being SAD.
You’ve said, “I’m just getting old”.
Your healthcare provider said, “You need to fix your diet”,
You are sick of wasting money and time on stuff that doesn’t work.
You are ready to take action.
You want to own your health!
You’ve heard the words, “Your blood sugars are borderline”.
You want a knowledgeable coach to guide you.
What other reasons can you think of? Whatever they are, it’s time to take action to start feeling better, while enhancing your overall brain and body health through food.
Join our next Online RENEW! Elimination Food Plan System. Click here to learn more.
~Health Protection Expert & ‘Head’ Motivator!
Nicole knows how to inspire you with habits and behaviors that protect your health and vitality. She understands the science to support you and makes learning and action fun!
Nicole’s Memere (grandma in French) lived with dementia after 13 strokes slowly stole her fire, her wit and her life. Through Memere, Nicole learned the gift of humor and creative ways of communicating using unsaid words and messages that can be difficult to express. Nicole uses these skills to create purpose, vitality and health with the Build Your Health System at Blue Monarch Health, PLLC
Nicole achieved a Master’s in Nursing Science from the University of Arizona, and a board certification in Integrative Nurse Coaching from the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation. She is a personal trainer, yoga teacher and group fitness instructor and enjoys healing in nature while hiking the Pacific Northwest trails with her husband or lounging in the sun with her cat babies. Email Nicole
The contents of this website/blog are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This website/blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.